Thursday 27 June 2013

ImageSo im going to show you how to make these pretty jars, a diy taken from macbarbie07 on youtube
ImageWhat you need: Jars, Glitter, candle stones(I bought mine in woodies diy) Spray glue(also from woodies) sticky paper, fake candles, scissors and a pencil
ImageThis is my jar, i'm using a jam jar I cleaned out
Take the sticky paper or labels and cut out any shape you want, i'm using a heart
ImagePress the heart inside the jar until it sticks
ImageThen you take the glue and spray it inside the jar
ImageAdd your glitter, i'm using gold
ImageMix the glitter like so
ImageYou can also add two colours like i did, all you do is mix the bottom and wait for it to dry and then add another colour :D
ImageLast step is to add the stones which you can get in most craft stores 
ImageWhen the candles are on it looks very pretty and at night its very relaxing :D

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